Ana Estela Haddad is the first woman to take the position of full professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry at FOUSP

Ana Estela Haddad is the first woman to be appointed full professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry at Fousp. Full professor is the highest position in the academic career.

Doctor Ana Estela Haddad took office last Thursday (01/12) as a full professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry at Fousp)/ Photo: Eduardo Ogata

Doctor Ana Estela Haddad took up her post last Thursday (01/12) as full professor in the Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of São Paulo (Fousp). Ana Estela is the first woman to take this position, which is the highest position in the academic career.

“Women, as well as black, indigenous and other minorities, have belatedly occupied spaces of power and recognition that were long reserved for white men. Not because they do not have merit in the same proportion, but because they lacked equal conditions, visibility and recognition”, says Ana Estela.

The teacher is proud to have won the position for which she fought all her life: “For me, it means recognition among peers of the merit of my career. It means a lot! The fight of a lifetime!”

Ana Estela joined the University of São Paulo as a professor in 2002, after a long career as a student at the university itself: she graduated in Dentistry in 1988; in 1997 he became a master; and, in 2001, she became a Doctor of Dental Sciences. He worked for a short period in a clinic, but soon returned to academic life.

Ana Estela was an advisor to the Minister of Education, Cristovam Buarque, between 2003 and 2005. During this period, she worked on the work related to the promulgation of the law that created the National System of Evaluation of Higher Education (Sinaes). In the Ministry of Health, she held the position of Director of Health Education Management in the Secretariat of Work Management and Health Education (SGTES), from 2005 to 2011, participating in the creation and implementation of initiatives such as Pró-Saúde and Telessaúde. Brazil. She also managed public policies related to education and health during the Lula governments. Ana Estela was also one of the creators of Prouni and coordinator of São Paulo Carinhosa in the capital city of São Paulo.

The ceremony was attended by family and friends and was surrounded by emotional moments, especially when her two children, Frederico, 30, and Ana Carolina, 22, who were godfathers at the inauguration, placed Ana on the mantle of inauguration. Academic position . Former minister Fernando Haddad, who has been married to Ana Estela for 34 years, took part in the ceremony and honored his wife. Watch the full ceremony by clicking here.

Source: FOUSP

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