Bottle tooth decay is a type of tooth decay that affects the baby teeth of children who consume sugary drinks from a bottle, especially at night. This habit favors the accumulation of bacteria on the surface of the teeth, which produce acids that erode the enamel and cause injury.
Baby bottle tooth decay can have serious consequences for children’s oral health, such as pain, infection, difficulty chewing, changes in speech and compromised development of permanent teeth. Therefore, it is important to prevent and treat this problem as soon as possible. Preventing baby bottle teeth from decaying involves some simple precautions, such as:
– Avoid offering sugary drinks in bottles, such as juices, soft drinks and chocolate milk. Give preference to pure water or milk.
– Do not let the baby sleep with a bottle in his mouth or sleep while breastfeeding.
– Clean the child’s teeth after every meal and before bed, using gauze or a soft brush suitable for his age.
– Take your child to the dentist regularly to assess oral health and apply fluoride if necessary.
Ideally, the first visit to the dentist should occur soon after the birth of the first baby tooth, around the age of six months. In this way, the professional can guide parents on how to take care of their child’s oral hygiene and detect early any signs of cavities or other changes.
Pediatric dentistry is the specialty of dentistry that takes care of the oral health of children from birth to adolescence. The pediatric dentist is the most qualified professional to prevent, diagnose and treat oral diseases that affect this age group, in addition to educating and motivating children to adopt healthy habits for their mouths.
If you have children or care for children, find a pediatric dentist you trust and take them in for regular appointments. In this way, you will help them have a beautiful and healthy smile throughout their life.
*Patrícia Sartori is a dentist and columnist for AssisCity*
Sartori Odontology
Avenida Nove de Julho, 1129, Centro
Phone: (18) 3324-6090
WhatsApp: 18 99701-8491