Chosica: the increase in the flow of the Rímac river creates concern for the neighbors

Senamhi recommends that you stay informed from official sources

Senamhi recommends that you stay informed from official sources Source: RPP

PPR was able to visit the districts of Lima fence y Ate-Vitarte until you arrive Cosica. This, to verify the flow situation of the Rímac River, where a slight increase in flow has been noted, as the authorities had predicted.

In the area of Hummockwhere the bridge of the same name is located, PPR managed to talk to some neighbors and merchants, who expressed their concern about the possible activation of the streams.

Such is the case of Noelia Vargaswho expressed that although they are alert, they have not yet received their forecasts, therefore they call on the authorities to help them supply sandbags to avoid damage from increasing the flow of the river.

“No (prediction) because we haven’t organized anything to prevent it. Not even (to collect sandbags), anything like that. Neither the neighbors nor the businesses in the area. Last year when there were threats of landslides, the mud came in as well in my house. I lived on the street. We are also worried because the stream burst in the shop nearby.

Senamhi recommends that you stay informed from official sources

This increase in the flow of the river Rímac is reflected in this shock that the current makes in structures, both in bridge foundations and sidewalls.

For example, it has also been seen that there are several piles of rubbish, Therefore, the authorities are called upon to take measures, because we still have time.

Senamhi makes recommendations to the population to stay informed from official sources and also to avoid carrying out activities near the banks of rivers.

I graduated in Communication and Journalism, with postgraduate studies in Linguistics and Literature and Education. Now I am studying Law. For more than five years I have written about political and judicial issues. I spend the rest of my life reading. I’m not so short-sighted anymore.

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