Congressman José Jeri was accused of sexual misconduct after a New Year’s party

Congressman José Jerí denies the allegations of rape against him. Video: Channel N

it the congressman José Jerímember of Standing Committeefaces a complaint about suspected rape it happened after a year-end meeting. The MP himself confirmed the news in a statement. In response, Somos Perú announced the suspension of its party militancy.

In his statement, Jeri He admitted that he had attended the meeting, which was attended by friends and acquaintances. As explained, the complainant, who would be the victim of an attack against her sexual freedomarrived at the event accompanied by two people.

“I received the news with surprise and regret that this person mentioned my name in the complaint, since I had no participation in the reported events,” he said in the statement.

In addition, parliamentarian He claimed to have appeared, through his lawyer, in the investigations that started on December 30, 2024, when the complaint was presented to the authorities. He also reported that he contacted the complainant to express his solidarity and willingness to cooperate with the complainant Justice. “I categorically reject any act that violates people’s rights and reaffirm my firm commitment to the pursuit of justice,” he added.

Statement by Congressman José Jerí
Statement by Congressman José Jerí

The lawmaker emphasized that he has never been involved in similar situations and that he has always acted accordingly responsibility y caution“avoiding any circumstance that might cause scandals or questions.”

To avoid any interference, he sought permission from his party, We are Peruin order for the investigations to be carried out in total tRANSPARENCY.

“I have full confidence that the investigation will clarify the reported facts and reach the truth. A truth that will ensure justice and peace for the complainant, my family and me, showing that I had no participation in these events”, he emphasized.

Finally, Jeri made a call to caution y I respect to the complainant to avoid any form of re-victimization. He also announced that he will not make any further statements until the authorities complete the relevant process.

The Somos Perú Democratic Party strongly condemned the reported events that violate a woman’s integrity. After learning about the accusation against José Enrique Jeríthe political organization announced its decision to suspend her militancy during development explorative.

Statement from Somos Perú.
Statement from Somos Perú.

“We inform that congressman Enrique Jerí has ​​been suspended from the militancy of his party until the investigations last,” the statement says.

The party also appealed Public Ministry to act quickly to clarify the facts and punish those responsible. Further, they expressed their solidarity with victim and reaffirmed their commitment to support the authorities in their search Justice.

A 31-year-old woman reported being the victim of sexual assault after a year-end meeting in which Congressman José Enrique Jerí, from We are Perualong with other attendees. The case is now in the hands of the supreme prosecutor Juan Carlos Villenawho ordered the investigation to begin.

According to information published by TV epicenterthe events took place in a house rented by Congressman Jerí and other friends. The appellant pointed to Jerín himself as a suspect and Marco Antonio Cardoza Hurtadohardware businessman and the victim’s uncle, who were present at the meeting. The woman said she attended the event with Cardoza and a driver. During the meeting, everyone consumed alcoholic drinks until she began to feel unwell and lay down in front of the pool.

A few hours later, she woke up in a bed without clothes and with signs that she had been raped. He stated that he saw a man who came out of the room, but he could not identify him. He also stated that he found a bividí that, he said, belongs to the congressman.

The medical examiner confirmed physical injuries, including bruises to the thigh and knees, as well as scratches in one arm. The complainant linked Jerín and Cardoza to the attack, citing details such as their trimmed beards, which matched what she perceived during the abuse.

The Public Ministry has started the relevant procedures for clarifying the facts and determining the responsibilities.

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