in Colombia, 33 percent of boys and girls between the ages of 1 and 9 and 44 percent of people 5 and older had untreated cavities respectively in baby and permanent teeth, while 25 percent of people aged 15 and over suffered from severe periodontal disease in 2019.
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Diseases that can be avoided when there is access to prevention and timely treatment, according to Dr. María Fernanda Atuesta Mondragon, president of the Colombian Dental Federation and advisor to the FDI World Federation of Dentistry (FDI).
“Oral diseases are among the biggest global health challenges today, and they particularly affect the most disadvantaged populations in society,” Atuesta said.
And to have good oral health you should work on it from childhood, as this period of life is the most important to develop a strong immune system, through good nutrition, physical activity, mental health care and hydration .
A fundamental part of this process is visiting the dentist in the early years, to monitor growth and avoid more serious problems.
For this reason, many fathers and mothers wonder When is the right time to take children to the dentist?
At this stage it is essential to receive all possible attention from a trained professional and it is necessary to act as soon as possible to prevent possible problems, as described by Dentisalud on its website. When should children go to the dentist for the first time? The ideal is to get them when the first tooth appears. In this first consultation, in addition to examining the child’s teeth and gums, the aim is to talk with the parents, resolve doubts and educate them about the hygiene techniques they should follow from the first day. After the first consultation, the ideal is for the child to attend checkups every 6 months, or at most once a year. #dentist #child #pediatric dentistry #pediatrician #hygiene #teeth ♬ original sound – noscuidamos
When should be the first visit to the dentist?
The child’s first visit to the dental office should be when the first set of teeth is finished, which usually occurs at the age of two. “At the latest, all baby teeth should be in place when the child is two and a half years old (30 months),” they explain in an article from the Galindo Dental Clinic.
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The first tooth usually comes out between 6 and 12 months of the baby, so some experts recommend taking the child in the first year of life. If the first tooth erupts at 6 months, it can be brought forward at that time.
In case there is anything abnormal, parents or guardians should make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible.
From the first visit, the child must go to the dentist every six months. In this way, adequate monitoring of its development can be maintained and any future problems can be avoided. In addition, the child gets used to the dynamics of examinations and care in the dental clinic. This dynamic should be maintained for the first years, then and if everything goes normally, it can be annual.
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In this first visit, the professional will check the milk teeth and gums and at the same time check if there are any problems. in teething or biting, most common at that stage.
What should parents do at the first visit to the dentist?
What dentists recommend is that parents keep calm and transmit good vibes when referring to this first visit.
“It is also good that they do a simple pedagogy. The idea is to explain why it is important to go to the dentist and why it is so necessary to have strong and healthy teeth”, advises the Spanish dentist Norberto Montané.
The first visit has several objectives, such as to make a first assessment of the baby’s teeth, to familiarize him with the dentist and his visits to him. Additionally, it serves to educate parents about the health of their baby’s teeth and how they should take care of them.
That’s why it’s important to keep in mind the details of proper dental hygiene for your children and how to maintain it at home.
“It is also essential that the dentist informs the parents about the dietary habits they should follow in relation to their little ones. In this way, it is convenient to know everything about sugar consumption, how to handle the bottle and when to remove the pacifier. to avoid the deformation of the teeth”, recommends Montané.
Creating a relationship of trust between the dentist and the child is essential for everything to develop normally, says the Catalan expert.
As parents or guardians, it is essential that you not only take your little ones for an annual checkup, but also be aware of oral hygiene habits.