The police of the city of Buenos Aires evacuated and assisted the pedagogical staff and students of this city this morning Faculty of Dentistry from the National University of Buenos Aires (UBA), located in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of Recoleta, for a gas leak.
Authorities took one Emergency call 911 around 9:41 today for one gas leak on the sixth floor of the university study house, located in Marcelo Torcuato de Alvear 2142informed Télam police personnel.
The building with a ground floor, eight floors and two basements was evacuated, while the registered personnel carried out Preventive interruption of gas supplyafter which work was done to close the leaking pipe.
Meanwhile, the staff of THE SAME treated at least 18 people who presented with some symptoms consistent with gas absorptionso they were given oxygen.
Around 10:30 a.m., the fire brigade arrived at the scene as a preventive measure for verify the conditions of the building together with operators from the Metrogas company.
Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry of UBA, Pablo Rodríguezinformed TN that the evacuation was caused by a “technical failure in a gas cock“It is located on the sixth floor of the building.
Meanwhile, he said that students and teachers began to “smell gas” and that when it became “very visible”, the evacuation protocol began. The dean specified that it was a “natural” gas leak for domestic use, not chemical.
Rodríguez stated that the building is haunted by about three thousand people, but assured that their evacuation was quick and safe. He also noted that all the block has “new gas connections”renewed at least “ten years ago”.