Holistic dentistry, smiles that come from the heart

Sasha Viveros Tello is a dentist and 23 years ago with her husband Odontoholísticos was born, a concept that seeks to comprehensively treat the origin of the disease, taking balance in oral health.

“When we graduated and got our degree as dentists, we completed a degree in neurofocal dentistry, which opened our minds a bit more to the path we wanted to take, in which we saw complementary areas in the body at the level of health, acupuncture. points. energy, chakras, nutrition and we begin to see the relationship of the teeth to the rest of the body.

When the fetus is formed from two cells, in the mother’s womb the cells begin to multiply and the formation of teeth begins, each of them and just like every organ in the body has a connection, that’s why when a tooth hurts or there is some pathology. , it is important to review it in a follow-up appointment to assess the emotional and physical connection that person may have at that moment. It should be noted that we are physically identical beings from our human biology, but fundamentally we differ in “Thoughts and experiences we have had in our lives, which greatly influence the development of the being,” explained Sasha Viveros Tello.

Over time and through our life experiences, we began to delve deeper into the transgenerational path, knowing that our ancestors and their life experiences are also important to consider and recognize our fears, a practice that they carried into their daily lives and then applied with their patients.

“Previously, the ideal materials to rehabilitate when there were cavities were all metals in the mouth like amalgams and because of the mercury levels it was determined that these metals had to be removed, but we knew that wasn’t enough because if the emotional part . of the patient was “In imbalance, there is a possibility for that person to generate more cavities, because nothing would give good results”, said the dentist, proving that this gave importance to this new look in dentistry.

For those who come for consultation at Odontoholísticos, it is already common to use alternative aromatherapy for nervous patients, music therapy, having the smell in the space where they feel comfortable, doing consultations in brightly colored spaces, but above all they are sure that the dentist is absolutely aware that it is a human being sitting in that chair.

For Sasha, it is clear that while working with teeth, memories are activated. “A lot of times when I was a kid, that patient had bad experiences at the first dentist visit, and that’s very important to keep in mind. We want to leave a new mark in dental care, the ideal would be for the patient to fall asleep in the chair and this is something we achieve in 80% of cases”, he explained.

Beyond perfect smiles

At Odontoholísticos there is an awareness of how important it is to have teeth, to be able to chew, smile, speak.

“When teeth are missing in the mouth, many times people stop smiling, others cannot chew because they have no back teeth and food reaches the stomach unchewed and this is when colon problems appear or when we talk about aesthetics and implants oral, but taking. for emotional health we find that there is always unhappiness because the person does not love what they have.

In the world at the moment there are people who have bruxism, others chew more on one side, many wake up tired when they sleep, have headaches and neck pain and these issues are related to oral health and its relationship with emotions. said the dentist

What is required at Odontoholísticos is to learn to smile from the heart, to rediscover that smile that was really there and was no longer seen, to understand why that smile is no longer present and above all as a group to provide that being . trust, just be yourself in our space.

At Odontoholísticos we work in orthodontics, oral implantology, high aesthetics such as aesthetic and functional remodeling (smile design), promotion and prevention, oral surgery, endodontics and periodontics.

Find him on Instagram @odontoholístico

Facebook: Group Odontoholísticos Dental.


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