To become a good dentist, it takes many years of study, dedication and focus in the classroom. The first step, however, is to enroll in a good college that gives you the ideal foundation throughout your degree. If this is your professional dream, get a scholarship for Prouni for Dentistry It can be a good solution for you to get rid of high monthly fees.
Here, you will stay updated with everything about Prouni Dentistry cut result, how to enroll in the access to education program at private educational institutions and much more. Continue reading and discover information on this topic.
In this article you will find:
About Proun
As part of measures implemented by the federal government aimed at opening pathways for low-income youth to study at the best private universities, Prouni (University for All Program) awards scholarships for their first degree and already has helped thousands of Brazilian students. in achieving the relevant university degrees.
To get support from Prouni, whether it’s a full scholarship (100%) or a partial scholarship (50%), you have to be in and comply with a list of criteria, so it’s not that simple to take place and get help, but it is also not impossible.
As with other higher education courses, training in Dentistry through Proun requires the student to follow certain income requirements and final results in the most recent Enem (National Secondary School Examination). Take a look at these criteria:
- In addition to taking the Enem test, the student must have obtained a minimum grade of, or higher, 450 points as an average in the Languages and Codes, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Humanities assessments. And the writing cannot have been written in zero;
- Regarding the family’s monthly income, it is necessary to prove an amount of up to one and a half minimum wages for those who want the full scholarship and up to three minimum wages per person for the partial scholarship;
- It is also necessary to have completed high school in a public school or to have been on a scholarship to a private school.
So he fit these rules? See all the information about the other requirements to win the Prouni scholarship in our article.
How Prouni for Dentistry works
Getting a Dentistry course at a top-tier college can be impossible for thousands of Brazilians. After all, tuition fees at private institutions of higher education are not cheap and can weigh heavily on many families’ budgets. And that’s where Prouni comes in: as a financial benefit so you don’t give up on your plans.
By understanding how Prouni for Dentistry works, you will be able to be confident about the processes to obtain a scholarship for this federal government program. The start of everything is to have taken the Enem and to have obtained the grade we mentioned above, equal to or greater than 450 points in the overall average.
Then, as long as you are part of the monthly family income for both types of scholarships, you should have been within the cut-off result of Prouni for Dentistry. In this way, it will be possible to continue the process of registration and competition for benefits.
The final result for Dentistry
Known as the minimum score to be obtained, the final result of Enem is what will indicate whether the student was among the selected candidates or not. It functions as a ruler to measure the competition: whoever came out on top, big, is in. But who was below, unfortunately did not take place in Prouni.
And that is why it is so important to keep track of the final results for the available Dentistry courses and keep an eye on your result. They can and do vary from one university to another, and can go up or down every year.
For example, the highest the cut-off result for Dentistry in Prouni is 731.2, while the lowest required score is 450.4, according to the Hora da Facul portal.
Remaining vacancies in Dentistry
Being one of the most popular university courses at the moment, you may not get called the first time, but there are places left where you can try to get this financial aid once again. After the completion of the Proun selection process, the program opens applications for those who did not receive the scholarship in the regular call.
This is because some students who were approved in the first call may not receive their benefit, creating new vacancies and space for those who were in Prouni waiting list for Dentistry.
This selection phase includes the so-called remaining vacancies, so to compete you have to go through a new selection process. An important detail is that even if the student has already registered in the regular call, he must register again, as if from the beginning.
In the case of the remaining vacancies of Dentistry in Prouni, those selected remain those who had the highest marks in the Enem. To be part of this phase, it is very important to pay attention to the deadlines both for this new selection and for the time to enroll in the faculties.
The result of Prouni Dentistry
The moment awaited by thousands of students competing for scholarships is to check the Prouni results. To understand whether you have passed or not, it is best to follow the program page, as this is where the results are officially announced.
So, keep in mind the dates of announcement of successful candidates, registration deadlines and other essential information in this final stage of the Prouni selection process.
Private Dental Colleges that accept Prouni
Not all private colleges in Brazil are accepted in Prouni, as the Ministry of Education (MEC) prioritizes and selects those with the best reputation, as well as fulfilling certain characteristics that indicate that they offer a high level of education.
Therefore, the student applying for the program scholarship must have full knowledge of which private institutions of higher education in Dentistry are registered with Prouni. To help you, we have shared some of them:
How to register at Prouni Dentistry?
If you meet the mandatory criteria and your score also matches the Prouni Dentistry cutoff score, you will find that enrolling in the program for this course is not complicated at all.
All the steps are done online directly on the Prouni website and you just have to follow the registration step by step to confirm that you are registered. See how to register:
- While the registration period is open, log into the Prouni website to enter your registration number and your Enem password;
- Then enter a phone number and an email address;
- Continue to fill in the required information to complete your registration;
- Make your choice of Dentistry schools, choosing the shift, whether it is a full or partial scholarship and other course details;
- Finally, confirm your registration with whatever else is required.
By following this step by step, you will compete for a position in Prouni Dentistry. And after a short period of time, it will be possible to know whether you have succeeded according to your Enem result.
Student funding for Dentistry in Pravaler
If you have not received a scholarship with Prouni, you do not need to give up your desire to study Dentistry at a good private college. There are other ways to study with a scholarship or discount, such as with Pravaler student funding.
With us, you can sign a contract to get the student loan that best suits your budget every semester at the university and higher education institution of your choice, as long as it is one of our more than 500 partners . That way, the fees don’t weigh heavily on your pocket and you start your journey toward a college degree.
And did you know that in Pravaler you don’t even need to take Enem? Everything is very simple: you fill in a form with some basic information (such as course, shift, university), run your financing simulation, find different proposals and send us the necessary documents to analyze your profile.
This way you study the degree you want without paying high sums for it, without accumulating installments and at lower fees. From start to finish it is 100% online! Are you interested? So be sure to learn more about who can hire Pravaler and understand exactly how our program works. We are with you!
Text written by: PROVALER