The State Department of Health of Goia (SES-GO) provides dental care services to the population at the State Dental Center of Goia Sebastião Alves Ribeiro (Coeg), which serves an average of 1.3 thousand patients and performs 1 7,000 different dental procedures for its patients the whole country. the state.
In order to improve oral health care, a meeting was held on Monday (20/11) between the representatives of the Federal University of Goia (UFG), the state deputy Mauro Rubem (PT) and the secretary of state of Saúde Sérgio Vencio, to discussed the project developed by the Faculty of Dentistry at UFG that can expand the supply of prostheses to patients in the public network of Goia and also the implementation of the dental implant service in Coeg.
Sérgio Vencio considered the partnership necessary to improve what is already available to the population. “We will line up to sign an agreement that benefits the population. Whatever depends on us, we are ready to expand this service offer in this area more and more”, he said.
The partnership proposal should be defined in the coming days and should include, in the project, the flow for the population’s access to services, the feasibility of resources for the purchase of inputs and equipment.
“Today, the population’s need for dental implants is a national reality. When we join forces, we are better able to offer more and better services to the community”, stressed UFG professor Cláudio Rodrigues Leles about the importance of the agreement. Representative Mauro Rubem informed that he will seek support from other deputies for the realization of the project.
Also present at the meeting were the supervisor of Policies and Comprehensive Health Care, Paula dos Santos Pereira and Sônia Chicarolli Silveira, director of Coeg.
Yara Galvão (text) and Iron Braz (photo)/Sectoral Communication