T1 News | Status | ABO Tocantins celebrates its 30th anniversary and presents the course calendar for 2024

Credit: ABO/TO Discovery

In 2024, the Associação Brasileira de Odontologia Seccional Tocantins – ABO-TO, recognized as an integral part of the most influential network of training and scientific dissemination in Dentistry at the global level, celebrates three decades of a trajectory dedicated to dental excellence in the state. In commemoration of this historic moment, ABO-TO announces “Jornada Odontológica 2024”, an innovative program of advanced courses designed to improve the training and qualifications of dental professionals, reaffirming their crucial role in education and continuous development of the sector.

The president of ABO-TO, Dr. Dione Lima Teixeira, when reflecting on the association’s trajectory, says: “Our 30-year journey, marked by growth and innovation, reaffirms our commitment to the most advanced education.” Dr. Frederico Guedes Valadares, vice president, emphasizes: “This event symbolizes our efforts to lead dentistry in Tocantins and Brazil.”

ABO-TO offers a range of specialization, refresher and immersion courses, led by renowned professionals. These programs meet the needs of modern dentistry, combining theory and practice. To find out about courses offered in 2024. Click here.

The 2024 Dental Journey goes beyond ABO Tocantins’ 30th anniversary celebration, representing a renewed commitment to advanced education and professional advancement in dentistry.

For more information, contact ABO Tocantins via WhatsApp: (63) 9 9994-4965.

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