The benefits of dental contact lenses go beyond aesthetics

In the quest for beautiful, well-cared for teeth, there is a list of dental procedures that achieve the desired effects. Whitening, restorations, prophylaxis and invisalign are some cosmetic dentistry options.

Apart from these, there are also famous dental contact lenses. They get their name compared to eye contact lenses because they are very thin. This option also makes it possible for your smile to become more beautiful, with whiter and aligned teeth. However, anyone who believes that this is its only function is mistaken.

Contact lenses are widely used for aesthetic corrections of teeth. However, this is not your only role.

In addition to these benefits, it has the ability to fight the aging of the smile, as occurs in cases of bruxism. Lenses quickly and effectively restore the balance of occlusion in cases where the natural tooth has worn away. In these cases, the function of the teeth must be recovered, restoring the lost volume and thus restoring the support of the cheek muscles. Improving general appearance, phonetics and mastication.

For patients who have lost, for example, the canine guide function – the ideal fit of the upper and lower teeth – contact lenses are one of the indications to make the correction.

They also serve as an alternative for cases of diastema (space between teeth), fractures and wear due to nail biting. If the patient has very small teeth and wants to enlarge them or if they have very old and stained restorations and want to replace them. This is one way to guarantee a much more harmonious smile.

The dental contact lens is a thin sheet, up to 0.2 millimeters, made of porcelain, which is attached to the tooth. The number of lenses depends on the needs of each case and also on the wishes of the patient. It can be from a single tooth to several teeth. The most common is placement on the teeth present in the smile line – which can vary from 10 to 20 lenses, depending on the person’s smile.

It is a minimally invasive procedure. With the new techniques, the wear of the dental element, when necessary, is minimal. Because the lens adheres better to the enamel, which is the first structure of the tooth.

In addition to all these advantages, treatment with dental contact lenses is very fast. For the most part, the patient only needs three consultations for the process. Their production is done in the laboratory with modern technology. Digital flow allows for greater efficiency and accuracy. And the final application of porcelain is done by hand. They should be made in a personalized way, taking into account the specifics of each individual. The lenses should look like real teeth.

First, the face is analyzed by the dentist, who does all the planning. Determining which tooth anatomy matches the patient profile. Before starting the final procedure, a test is performed. In this way, the patient can see himself in the mirror, take a picture and ask for opinions from the people close to him. After the new smile is approved, the job is done. This is a huge advantage of the technique, as there is no risk of not liking the end result.

Digital scanning is done, using the old mold, and then the lens is manufactured in the lab. The porcelain is then cemented to the tooth enamel with a special cement. Lenses are the fastest and most convenient option for those looking for versatility and efficiency in solving problems with misaligned, broken or stained teeth.

As for maintenance, it is simple. It is important to maintain good hygiene habits. Brush, floss and have professional cleanings 2 to 3 times a year. In the office, the specialist checks how the laminates are, whether they are fixed well and whether there is any kind of infiltration.

When we think of contact lenses as simply “cosmetic dentistry,” one may oversimplify the work or forget many other possibilities.

Dr. Luciano Martins is a specialist in iimplantology and periodontologyfounding partner of Personalle Odontologia, in Cuiabá (MT), and member of the Brazilian Society of Aesthetic Dentistry (SBOE)

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