The Mobile Dentistry Unit (UOM), the mobile dentist of the Municipality of Tangará da Serra, is serving the population of the settlement Antônio Conselheiro. Care provided by the oral health team takes place at the Curva Health Center.
Jéssica Mariana da Silva, a resident of the social area of the Settlement, celebrates the arrival of the mobile dentistry unit in the country. She went to PSF to have a tooth cleaned and removed that had been bothering her for a long time. “For us it is a big improvement. I needed it here, it never happened, it never happened, it’s the first time and it’s been good for us”, he says.
Dentist Suziely Arfelli, who works at odontomóvel, says that the most common procedures are extraction, cleaning, restoration, opening a canal, among others. She reports that the action has great value for the population served. “It’s a somewhat remote community and we’re bringing oral health to this population,” he says.
On average, seven services are performed per day in the field.
Services are held every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, from 08:00 to 11:00, until February 23. Next, the dental mobile will go to the Calf Red residence.
Mayor Vander Masson explains that the dental mobile was purchased with municipal resources, through amendments forced by councilors Rogério Silva and Elaine Antunes. “Working together that is bringing more than oral health, is bringing joy, smiles and above all dignity to our population,” he said.
Text: Alexandre Rolim/Communication Office/ Photos: Neusino Pereira/Office of Communication