The Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of La Plata (UNLP) shared a teacher criminally denounced for sexual abuse it was reported by a woman who served as his secretary in a private office.
From that university, they have stated that the decision was made to remove the dentist and MA professor from his position after learning that a woman – whose initials are AC – denounced him for abuse on May 25.
Through her social networks and in various media, the woman has shown that while she was working as a dental secretary in a private office in the city of City Bell, in 2021 and at the age of 22, she suffered various abuses from a part of the male.
In the complaint, the young woman said that her boss gave her massages and touched her private parts without her consent, she said that in these situations she was “paralyzed” by “fear and shame”, but stated that after she had gone through depression, if she had spent whole nights without sleep and not being able to get up, he managed to tell what had happened and make a complaint against MA.
When this case became known, through social networks, some former patients said that they had experienced similar situations in dentistry.
University measures for the case
In this regard, the Faculty of Dentistry told Télam that “five months ago the teacher was removed and is not in contact with the students”, they emphasized that the reported event took place in the private sphere and not within the Faculty, where it was not accepted. there are no reports of abuse.”
“In the Secretariat of Gender and Diversity We have not received any denunciation, but upon learning of the criminal report, the authorities decided to separate him from contact with students and the teacher is not at the faculty.” they added.
In this sense, Secretary of Human Rights and Equality Policies of the UNLP reported in a statement that “it has been made available to the Faculty authorities” and detailed that ” Persons who may be affected by this situation may enter the care space specialized agency under the Directorate of Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of this Secretariat, through the electronic address directalgeneroydiversidadunlp@gmail.com”.
“This Unit for the Prevention and Attention of Gender-Based Violence has an interdisciplinary team of professionals created in 2016 to implement actions within The Institutional Program Against Discrimination and Violence Due to Gender and its Action Protocol”they showed.
At the same time, they recalled that the team “receives questions and presentations within a framework of confidentiality and provides careful guidance and support to affected people”.
Meanwhile, the University Federation of La Plata (FULP) issued a statement stating that “the reported practices deserve the immediate intervention of the Action Protocol on Gender-Based Violence, the removal of the accused and the intervention of the University to ensure that no Student sees their rights or integrity violated in the framework of an institution that has long advanced debates and tools that allow the eradication of gender violence”.
The student union was “fully available to intervene and accompany any process of organizing and denouncing these reprehensible practices”.