The government declares a state of emergency in 338 districts of the country due to heavy rains

The Peruvian government declared a state of emergency, for 60 days, in 338 districts e twenty regions of the countryincluding Metropolitan Lima and the constitutional province of Callao, facing imminent danger due to intense rainfall.

In Supreme Decree 007-2025-PCM, published in the extraordinary edition of the Legal Standards bulletin of the official newspaper. Peruit is established that this measure regulates the following regions: Amazonas, Áncash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica, Huánuco, Ica, Junín, La Libertad, Lima, Loreto, Moquegua, Pasco, Puno, San Martín, Tacna and the Constitutional Province of Callao.

The document says the purpose of the rule is to take extraordinary action to reduce lot high risk existing, as well as “mitigate the negative effects of the climate phenomenon and act in a coordinated manner”.

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Coordinated work with regional and local governments

The decree states that regional and local governments involved must work in coordination with the National Institute of Civil Protection (Indeci) to execute immediate and necessary emergency measures and actions, as well as response and rehabilitation.

The work will include Ministries of Health; of Education; Housing, Construction and Sewerage; of Agrarian Development and Irrigation; Internal; of Defense; of Transport and Communications; of Energy and Mining; of women and vulnerable populations; and Social Development and Inclusion, as well as other public and private institutions involved.

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