The magic recipe to remove stones and have a white smile in a short time

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If you want to remove tartar from your teeth and want to have a great smile, keep in mind that you don’t necessarily have to resort to expensive tools dental treatments. Along these lines, there are various home methods that allow you to improve appearance from the comfort of home.

Remedies with natural ingredients are a great opportunity to improve quality of life AND general well-beingsince they are easily found and do not present a high cost.

Natural remedies are a great way to take care of your teeth, leaving them white and shiny. Source: Freepik

See how to get one whiter smileeasily and quickly, without spending extra money in dental offices.

This is the superfood that contains up to five times more protein than meat

Why do teeth turn yellow?

According to health experts, there is many factors that contribute to opacity y loss of bright white color in the teeth.

Some foods have the ability to enamel stainthe outer layer of the teeth, while e accumulation of stones can result in a yellow appearance. This type of discoloration is usually treated by regular cleanings and whitening treatments.

However, in certain cases, it can also be due to tooth enamel erosion. In these types of situations, treatment approaches may differ.

What foods stain teeth?

Below, one by one, the foods that cause a yellow tone to the teeth.

Sauces and vinegars

sauces intense color like ktchup, soy sauce OR VINEGAR They should be consumed in moderation. After him intense pigmentacina They hide the components that can cause decoloration in tooth enamel.

Energy drink

The problem in this case lies in it high sugar contentwhich can also negatively affect dental health and the cause decoloration in the teeth. In addition, they contribute to the growth of cavities.


it cafe AND t boy drinks essential for many people in their daily routine. However, its consumption can affect the enamel y darken the teeth due to the composition and high concentration of sugars.

It is suggested to replace some of these two infusions with other drinks. For example, swap black or red for green, which contains less tannins. This could be one option to reduce the impact on coloring dental.


Wine, both white and red, contains a high amount of tannins y chromogens which, when combined, can darken tooth enamel.

In addition, it is important to note that, although not classified as a food, tobacco acts as an agent. extremely harmful for dental health and tooth staining.

Home methods to remove stones from teeth

If you want to improve your physical appearance and want to eliminate the yellow color of your teeth, keep in mind the following simple remedies to prepare.

Gingerbread Soda Paste

it pasta It is extremely effective for whiten your teeth at home thanks to yours exfoliating actionwhich eliminates micro particles sarro responsible for the yellow appearance.

It is recommended use only twice a week to prevent wear. Excessive use can weaken enamel and cause tooth sensitivity.

Its preparation is simple:

  1. Mix 3 teaspoons of baking soda, teaspoon of ginger powder and 3 drops of peppermint essential oil
  2. Store the mixture in a tightly closed container, protected from light.
  3. Wet the toothbrush, add conventional toothpaste and then apply this mixture
  4. Wash thoroughly
  5. Rinse with water

Baking soda hydrogen peroxide paste

To prepare this pasta, combine bicarbonate cone hydrogen peroxide until you reach a mixture that replaces your regular toothpaste.

Note that daily use is not recommendedas it acts as one abrasive cleaning which can harm health. What is recommended is apply for 3 to 5 daysthen wait a period of 3 to 6 months before using it again.

Coconut oil

This product is displayed antimicrobial propertiescontributing to the elimination of bacterial plaque and gum promotion. In this way, it is positioned as one of the most useful home methods to achieve whiter teeth.

Los Fatty acids present in coconut oil, when mixed with saliva, generates oxygen molecules that adhere to dental stains. This medicine, without oxidationcauses a natural chemical reaction that removes the pigment while brushing the teeth.

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