it Hotel Wellington de Madrid witnessed an extraordinary event: the charity dinner “Mary’s Smile”, in which an auction of items of high value and importance was held. The proceeds, both from the auction and from the sale of the tables, have been shared The Biomedical Research Foundation of the Niño Jesús Children’s Hospital of Madrid (FIB-HNJS). Although the exact figure is not yet known, it is estimated that 140,000 euros were collected in the auction alone. The amount to which the income from the sale of the tables should be added.
The highlight of the night was the presentation of the poster for the charity bullfight, in which the rejoneadora will perform Paseíllo. Leah Vicens adjacent to Gonzalo Caballero Next March 23 at the Las Rozas Bullring.
Bull poster, a painting of On Sunday Zapata, was auctioned off during the event. It was also revealed that after the bullfight, a charity concert will be held in which they will participate Burrat G.
Prominent personalities committed to this cause participated in this activity, including the Infanta Miss Elenathe president of Community of Madrid, Mrs. Isabel Díaz Ayuso, both godmothers of the event; the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida; and doctors in front Biomedical Research Foundation of the Niño Jesús Children’s Hospital in Madrid, Luis Madero y Alba Rubio.
The event was led by Carla Pereyra, wife Diego Pablo Simeone, they also present galas. Other guests included dignitaries such as Alvaro Morata and his wife AliceCampello, Mario Hermoso, Rodrigo Riquelmeall the players Atlético de Madrid; y Emilio Butragueno, in the name of Real Madrid Foundationamong others.
Prominent figures from the world of business, Spanish society and journalists like Carlos Sobera, who presented the auction and JOr Ribagordatogether with the actor Manu Baqueiro, also joined the cause. Gala was entertained by the singer Juan Pena and Spanish pop group Darwin.
The auction included exclusive items, including a cape Isabel Diaz Ayuso signed by herself and which she herself auctioned off, a cape from Atlético de Madrid submitted by Simeone and The Mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez Almeida; a painting by Domingo Zapata, a 2.5 carat diamond, a helmet of Carlos Sainz, a rocket Alcarazgloves Marquis, a suit of lights from the bullfighter El Soro, gloves of clouds, shirt Coloamong others.