Tyler ISD is considering bringing back the oral health program for its students

TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – Tyler ISD is proposing to reinstate a program that would improve the oral health of its students and reduce the amount of school absences due to oral health issues.

The district partnered with Tyler Junior College’s dental studies program in 2016, where hygienist students visit various campuses and provide a limited free oral evaluation to Tyler ISD students. Hygienists are also able to provide placement of fluoride varnish and dental sealants for any areas of decay. The program was halted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the district is looking to bring it back.

“If we can help identify, you know, the problem area and treat it while it’s smaller, it takes a lot less financial investment to fix it. It requires much less treatment. So if we can help it in a small way, it’s going to be preventative in the measures we can take,” said TJC dental studies professor Christina Horton.

The Tyler ISD board tabled the agenda item tonight, but they say they will revisit the item at a later date.

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