The Dentistry course is among the most competitive in the public universities in Paraíba and is also one of the highest scoring in the Unified Selection System (Sisu), which selects new students. Jornal da Paraíba prepared a list of grades for dentistry in institutions in Paraíba, in the most different modalities.
In the state, the public institutions that offer the course are the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG) and the State University of Paraíba (UEPB), where it is the most popular.
For students who dream of Dentistry, this report provides Sisu 2023.1 final results in all modalities. They can serve as a basis to know if the grade obtained in Enem is sufficient to enter the course.
What is the final result for Dentistry in UFPB
UFPB offers the Dentistry course only in João Pessoa. His final results at the institution range from 586.5 to 823.99 points.
823.99 points – for candidates in wide competition or through the state bonus system;
720.26 points – for candidates who have studied in public schools, regardless of income;
705.38 points – for candidates who have studied in public schools and have a family income of up to 1.5 salaries per person;
684.46 points – for black, brown or local candidates who have studied in public schools and have a family income of up to 1.5 salaries per person;
683.34 points – for black, brown or indigenous candidates who studied in public schools, regardless of income;
609.62 points – for candidates with disabilities who have studied in public schools, regardless of income;
586.5 points – for candidates with disabilities who have studied in public schools and have a family income of up to 1.5 salaries per person.
What is the final result for Dentistry in UFCG
UFCG offers the Dentistry course only in Patos, in the Sertão of the State. His final results at the institution range from 674 to 743.13 points.
743.13 points – for candidates in wide competition or through the state bonus system;
705.84 points – for candidates who have studied in public schools, regardless of income;
701.54 points – for candidates who have studied in public schools and have a family income of up to 1.5 salaries per person;
684.68 points – for black, brown or indigenous candidates who studied in public schools, regardless of income;
674.94 points – for black, brown or native candidates who have studied in public schools and have a family income of up to 1.5 salaries per person.
What is the final result for Dentistry in UEPB
UEPB offers the Dentistry course only in Campina Grande and Araruna. His final results at the institution range from 563.03 to 800.68 points.
Final result for Dentistry in Campina Grande
800.68 points – for candidates in wide competition or through the state bonus system;
712.78 points – for candidates who studied in public schools or had a scholarship in a private school, regardless of income;
676.95 points – for self-declared colored candidates;
673.85 points – for local candidates;
644.43 points – for quilombola candidates;
581.81 points – for candidates with disabilities;
563.03 points – for transsexual, transvestite and transgender candidates.
The final result for Dentistry in Araruna
757.76 points – for candidates in wide competition or through the state bonus system;
699.85 points – for candidates who studied in public schools or had a scholarship in a private school, regardless of income;
663.14 points – for self-declared colored candidates;
638.08 points – for local candidates;
628.29 exactly – for candidates with disabilities;
587.93 points – for quilombola candidates.